It was awesome! It was the best school in the district. Nothing but happiness when I worked at Coolidge. I was happy to go to work every day. Awesome staff, I think the best teachers in the state, if not the country. Top notch staff, no doubt about it. Being at Coolidge taught me how to be a leader, and how to help young people. How to help them resolve issues and fight the good fight. My fondest memory of Coolidge is how happy the kids were coming to school, they knew they were being treated right and getting the best education. They were smiling everyday coming and going from school. Coolidge was safe, very safe. Loving, the school was ran with integrity. The late great Mr. Bracy was awesome. I enjoyed watching how the staff interacted with the kids. It was just loving and professional and you could tell that students felt the love in way they responded. Coolidge School Parent Advisory Council met monthly and there was always at least 15 parents at every meeting. The parents were very involved.[When Coolidge shut down] Sad, but I knew it was going to happen because the building was old. It's [Coolidge Park Apartments] awesome! It’s a beautiful sight to see. |