Coolidge was a very memorable time, I'm able to recall friends' names from back then. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Reed, she was always smiling and we would win candy for getting good scores on spelling tests. I remember the lunchroom tables slid into the walls, during lunch they would put half of the tables away and blare Michael Jackson and kids had the option to stay and dance or go to recess. Very positive. I enjoyed the friends I made at Coolidge. My fondest memory is probably having my first crush there. When Coolidge closed I felt as if it was a chapter of your life is closing, reminiscing.I think it’s [Cooolidge Park Apartments] a great idea. I like that it's to help people to get housing that the can afford. I like that they want to preserve. It's better than leaving it as is or tearing it down, that’s for sure. |