I've known Sheila Swan since Kindergarten. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Hall, first grade teacher. Shewasjustniceandkindtoeveryone. Also Mrs.Wooly, my fifth grade teacher. Very memorable, positive. Good memories of Coolidge and it had a lot of activities. While at Coolidge, I was captain of the hall guards. There was good athletic opportunities too. I remember the annual carnival and it was just so much fun. Coolidge was warm and comfortable. My fondest memory is probably the teachers, the academic program was good. That’s a hard question because I liked it all. It was a good school system, I felt like I got a good background there. Can't really think of one thing that I liked the most. I would say the teachers because if you think about it, teachers make a school. One teacher would always give me chocolate chip cookies and I would be embarrased about it because they didn't give cookies to anyone else. I have one bad memory of Coolidge that was when the athletic director left a bench in the gym, and during a game of dodgeball I hit my head on the corner of the piano bench. I also tore a ligament after I won a race.I think it was an excellent foundation for my life. I can look back at it and I have mostly good experiences. When Coolidge shut down I was sentimental about it, but things go on. Everything changes.