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My favorite teacher was Mrs. Reid, the second and third grade teacher. I would talk a lot with my friends, and instead of punishing us with detention or sending us to the principal, she handled us differently. She came up with creative ways to handle disruptive students. That really stands out in my mind. I loved my Coolidge experience; those are some of my best childhood memories. It provided a great foundation.It gave me a love of learning and the drive even though I struggled. It gave me that foundation to keep at it and continue learning. The teachers gave us books to read, it was just a really great school. It was acceptive. Looking back, it feels like it was an elementary school for all of Flint, and it felt like they treated all the students with the same respect and the same encouragement. The staff showed a desire to educate everyone. It was a great place to grow up. The friends that I made, the teachers, the playground, and the gym, I remember it so vividly.I felt that the school was the foundation of the neighborhood and I felt like that because I lived nearby I have wonderful wonderful memories of that building and of that place. Saddened [by the closing], it was just the beginning of other shutdowns. It just seems like they were the first in the chain. It was an indicator of the trouble that Flint was in and that we needed help. [About Coolidge Park Apartments] I wasn’t quite sure, to be honest, it was kind of sad that it wouldn’t be a school anymore and that it couldn’t be a school anymore. Seeing the building, it made me very excited, it's still a community center in a lot of ways. I had a hard time hiding my excitement walking through. It was preserved too, and I was ecstatic when I left the grand opening. It was great. It was really cool and a lot of memories came back and it's just a beautiful beautiful building.