Ms. Anderson was my favorite, she was my second grade teacher.She helped me realize that I needed glasses and she did it very nicely.Coolidge had a good mix of cultural diversity which I don’t feel like was the case in other places in town. It was a good chance for people to interact with people of different backgrounds at such a young age. Mr. Bracy was a wonderful principal and I was best friends with his daughter.My fondest memory of Coolidge is just hanging out in the principal office, with Mr. Bracy. I realize that’s a special privilege, because most people go to the principal's office to get in trouble. And I remember that Mr., Bracy had a good relationship with my dad, and he was just a great principal.I enjoyed recess, playing on the playground,and running around the most. Just having the opportunity to be wild and stretch my legs.Being a Girl Scout at Coolidge had an impact one me, I was the top cookie seller. Later in life, I kept running into people that I met in elementary school. I was in girl scouts the whole time I was at Coolidge, we took amazing trips and adventures, and it was just great. We were all very sad about the passing about members of the community Jaree, Robert, and Lance Wilson. That was probably the worst part about being at Coolidge. I think that’s [Coolidge Park Apartments] amazing. I think that anything that can happen to make Flint a better place, seeing that area come up, especially from what it turned into, I think that’s amazing. |