Gary at Collab Night

 The Coolidge building had the potential to be twice the size that it was but the great depression prevented that from happening.I had a cocker spaniel, enjoyed walking it around the neighborhood. I remembers one day, walking by the school and the dog chased a squirrel up a tree and the kids at recess cheered for my dog. I remember that Coolidge would host Halloween parties. People would receive a flyer to put on their door so that other people would know that they had donated for the party.  I'm an author and I mention Coolidge in my book (page 112), Remembering Flint, Michigan: Stories from the Vehicle City. I particularly enjoyed the murals in the halls featuring the different fairy tale characters. I'm glad that the building is being repurposed, and I enjoyed the different features that it had like the auditorium with the stage and the gyms.