I taught specail education and kindergarten.[The enviroment at Coolidge] Child centered, all about taking care of the kids, doing the best for the kids, meeting the needs of the kids. While I was there, we were under Bracy, an amazing leader who lead us to do that.I enjoyed the most working with the staff. We had a great staff. We were a family.We had staff breakfast, and celebrated each other birthdays. We would have lunch together, I mean our jobs are hard so were just there for each other. We very cohesive.We were just sad [when Coolidge closed], but hopeful that we could continue. Many of us went to Cummings but we were nervous. I've been a teacher for 23 years, and 18 of those in Flint. The friendship and community that I had at Coolidge is something that has not been repeated. It was place that I enjoyed to go and it was just a positive experience for me as a teacher.I loved the [annual] Christmas concert that we put on. The kids were so talented, and the community member would come and fill up the gym. It was just great. I think that’s [Coolidge Park Apartments] amazing. When I first read about it, I thought it’s a great location and a great community and something that the community needed. It’s a lot better than letting the building rot. When they can repurpose it int something for the community its fantastic. |