I remember having a science class with Glenn's sister. I remember skate nights. My favortie teacher was Mr.Dents. He was very kind to students and took an interest in students' education. He was just a nice person. He taught english and language arts. Coolidge was a fun learning environment. It was good. The building had a very classic décor, murals on the wall. Had a very antique look to it. I remember it as a little strict with rules, a good structured place to learn.Coolidge taught me structure, and it kickstarted the goal of having advanced degrees.One time I got called to the principal's office to be congratulated for scoring high on tests. I played cello in the orchestra.I enjoyed the friends I met, and the teachers that showed interest in helping me extend my educational potential. [When Coolidge shut down] I was heartbroken, the whole area seemed to take a dive. Really sad.[Coolidge Park Apartments] Absolutely love it. Loves that the school will now have a purpose in helping disadvantaged members of the community. |