I was a librarian or a textbook clerk, I provided any supplies the teachers needed to teach.I loved my kids. I missed my kids. I didn’t want to retire. When I see them, I tear up because I just love them. I know that I left a mark on the kids. We used to do an after-school program, all ages of classes after school and it was educational and a fun time, and it was all about the kids. We always treated the kids like they were our own. It was a very family-oriented environment. When I went there, I felt like I had always been there. The staff just took me in. My boss, Mr. Bracy was the best boss ever! I reinstalled a black history program, after the school had been without for about 13 years. All the teachers, no matter the race, loved that it came back. From that point on, it was wonderful, and we had it every year. I turned the library into a haunted house, teachers would say they had never seen anything like it, and I did it every year and the kids LOVED it. [When the school shut down] I wasn’t feeling too bad about it because I knew that we were moving, and we would all be together. That is one of the best things that could have ever happened in the Flint community. That’s the most wonderful thing. It's just brought joy to my heart to see that your turning classrooms into apartments. Its looking so good now! |